800.798.7098   •   563.556.4200
200 Main Street   •   Dubuque, IA 52001

Meet The Team: Tori Curoe

Name: Tori CuroeTori_Curoe_Meet_The_Team

Title: Riverboat Lounge Bartender

Hometown: Fairfield, Iowa


1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?

I’ve been at Riverboat Lounge for five years.


2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry?

My husband Cale grew up in Cascade, Iowa and we moved to the Dubuque area to be closer to his family. I had bartended previously in my hometown and while I lived in England. I was intrigued by the history and character that Hotel Julien Dubuque possessed, so I applied for a position in Riverboat Lounge.


3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

I’m very passionate professionally about supporting local brews. Our drafts feature mostly Iowa beers and we have a wide selection of bottled beers available to people who may be new to the area. When people think of Iowa, craft beers don’t generally come to mind. It’s always fun to change peoples’ minds and open their eyes to what a great job local Iowans are doing in regards to the beer and cider market.


4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

I love gardening and cooking. There’s nothing better than making an entire meal that you’ve grown. I start seeds inside in January under growing lights. My husband loves the electricity bill during those months.


5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

I enjoy playing trivia with my friends, boating in the summer, farmer’s market on Saturday, and playing volleyball.


6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

What I love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque is the interesting people I meet and the ability to be creative.


7. What is your personal motto?

Enjoy the sunshine.


8. Describe your typical workday.

My typical workday includes prepping for the day, making fresh juices and simple syrups, and interacting with customers.


9. What is your favorite cocktail we serve at Riverboat Lounge and why you like it?


I love making martinis and garnishing them with our hand-stuffed bleu cheese olives. Not many places put that much effort into your drinks. I think it adds a little bit of a personal touch.


10. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

I have been a vegetarian for over 18 years.

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