Hotel Julien Dubuque’s popular scavenger hunt is back! Follow our Facebook Page for clues that will lead you to this year’s grand prize — a two-night stay in the Capone Suite, $100 to Caroline’s Restaurant, $25 Vino Dock gift card to Riverboat Lounge and a Couples Massage at Potosa Spa! The hunt begins September 6th, 2018.
Scavenger Hunt Rules:
1. “Like” and follow Hotel Julien Dubuque on Facebook and/or Instagram.
2. New clues will be posted every Monday and Thursday, beginning on Thursday, September 6th, 2018 at 10 a.m. CST on the Hotel Julien Dubuque Facebook and Instagram page.
3. Please refrain from contacting the hotel or hotel staff for clues, as the location is not known by staff.
4. Use clues to solve the scavenger hunt. The clues will provide information to the grand prize location.
5. Guessing the location will not be recognized as finding the grand prize.
6.. Find Your Way To Al’s Place Package awarded to the first person/s who solves the scavenger hunt. Upon finding the prize, please immediately contact the hotel front desk in person.
Congratulations to Jessica Gamble! She solved the hunt within three clues. Details on where and how she solved the mystery to come! In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the clues…do you know where it was hidden?
Clue #1: I’ve always been here, never hidden, though still not easily found.
Clue #2: Wished they would stop, though they just drive by.
Clue #3: A key will get you there, though it isn’t required.
Clue #4: I am ok not being part of the Main drag.
Clue #5: It takes 10 to get there.
Clue #6: I feel 75% intimidated.
Clue #7: As the day ages, I get darker.
Clue #8: Sean Connery used me to scare birds, though I really am meant for other than that.
Clue #9:Hillbilly Jed had one.
Clue #10: No matter where I land, I get redirected.
Clue #11: Let’s go sit out on the deck.
Clue #12: I’m a Little Teapot, short and stout, here is my handle, here is my spout.
2015 marks Hotel Julien Dubuque’s 100th anniversary, though written histories of Dubuque indicate that there has been a hotel or inn on the same corner of Main and Second Streets since 1839. The rich history of Hotel Julien Dubuque has been shaped by each variation of its predecessors, including the Waples House of 1843 which was likely the first building visible to travelers as they crossed the Mississippi River to Dubuque.
The elegant lobby in which visitors gather today elicits the classic grandeur of an earlier time. From the ornate woodwork and light fixtures to the antique sketches, photographs, and framed newspaper articles that don the walls, the décor itself serves as a visual representation of the hotel’s storied past.
Between visits from famous guests like Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, “Buffalo Bill” Cody, and the notorious Al Capone, a devastating fire, economic vicissitudes, and comprehensive renovations, the most significant of which was completed in 2009 following a $30 million investment, the hotel has had quite a ride on the corner of Second and Main.
More than anything, though, Hotel Julien Dubuque’s story is defined by the memories that are continually made by our guests. Each gala, wedding, anniversary celebration, family get-together, and weekend visit to Dubuque contributes to the ever-evolving story of our hotel. Every guest who dines in Caroline’s Restaurant, enjoys a glass of wine in the Riverboat Lounge, retreats to Potosa Spa, or waits for a friend in our lobby brings with them unique experiences that contribute to the collective narrative of Hotel Julien Dubuque.
It is our hope that this blog serves as a vehicle for uncovering, reliving, and celebrating those valued memories that make up our history. Perhaps these will be the stories that are revisited when another 100 years have passed.
Do you have a special Hotel Julien Dubuque memory to share? We’d love to hear from you! Email