800.798.7098   •   563.556.4200
200 Main Street   •   Dubuque, IA 52001



May 25th 5PM – 8PM

On May 25th, nationally-recognized Technori will host an event showcasing some of the state’s most innovative and promising startups.

5:30-6:30 PM | Networking, open bar, and appetizers
6:30-7:45 PM | Technori Startup Showcase
8-9PM | Meet the startups in the Riverboat Lounge

Networking, innovation, and sharing Iowa tech startup stories is what this event is all about! Join the growing network of entrepreneurs, business leaders, and interested community members as we listen to five promising Iowa tech startups pitch their businesses. Our five presenting startups this year are Design Mill (DBQ), Fourge Social (DBQ), KinoSol (Ames), Terva (Ames), and Smart Ag (Ames).

Keynote Speaker: Ben Milne, CEO of Dwolla (Des Moines).

Tickets are only $10 at http://technori.events/Dubuque/05/25/2017.

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