800.798.7098   •   563.556.4200
200 Main Street   •   Dubuque, IA 52001

Author Archives: Kelsey Benton

  1. Meet The Team : Joe Ogelsby

    Name: Joe OgelsbyJoe Ogelsby, Banquet Captain

    Title: Banquet Captain

    Hometown: Dubuque, IA

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I have currently been with the Hotel Julien Dubuque for 4 months. I previously worked here from 1994- 1996.

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry?

    I have about 30 years of experience in the food and beverage industry.

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    I have a passion to serve the public. I get the satisfaction of knowing that I gave a 100% effort which leads to the great guest experience.

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    When I have a free weekend, I enjoy watching movies, listening to music, and spending time with my two children. My children astonish me every day.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    My favorite things to do in Dubuque are outdoor events during the summertime, such as concerts, walking on the riverwalk,  kayaking, grilling, and dining at local restaurants.

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    The history and background of the Hotel Julien Dubuque are astonishing and quite interesting. I also do love my co-workers and they are great at what they do.

    7. What is your personal motto?

    “Live each day as if it were your last” or “Do it right the first time, so you don’t have to do it again.”

    8. Describe your typical workday.

    My typical day is viewed as managing the other banquet staff trying to make sure that everything is complete while not overlooking any detail.

    9. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    I am very quick-witted and sarcastic. I am a huge fan of the Star Wars films. Lastly, I have never had an illness.


  2. Meet The Team : Emily Montgomery

    Name: Emily MontgomeryEmily Montgomery, Front Desk Associate

    Title: Front Desk Associate

    Hometown: Dubuque, IA

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I have been an employee at the Hotel Julien Dubuque for eight months.

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry?

    I was working in retail and needed a change. I applied for multiple positions at the hotel, and when I came in for my interview I was impressed by the friendly staff. That is when I knew this is where I wanted to be.

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    I am passionate about making others happy and making sure that I provide the best customer service to our guests.

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    I like spending time with my family or friends and just sitting at home reading a good book.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    I enjoy going to the Fenlon Place Elevator and going to the arboretum in the fall to see the leaves change color.

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I love the friendly atmosphere our guests and employees provide.

    7. What is your personal motto?

    Omnia Paratus or “Alway Ready”.

    8. Describe your typical workday.

    On a typical workday, I will answer phone calls, make reservations, give guest directions, and check guests in and out.

    9. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    I am really good at Harry Potter trivia.

    10. Is there anything else that you’d like to share?

    I lived in Bowling Green, Kentucky about a year ago.

  3. Meet The Team : Thomas Jarvis

    Name: Thomas JarvisThomas Jarvis, Host

    Title: Host at Caroline’s Restaurant

    Hometown: Highland, CA

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I have been at Caroline’s Restaurant/Hotel Julien Dubuque for the past two years.

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry?

    I really enjoy the hospitality industry. My two sisters, Jamie and Jen who also work at Caroline’s, recommended this position to me when it became available. Given my past experience in the food industry and love for hospitality, it was a natural fit.

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    Professionally, I have a passion for helping people and being kind to others.

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    Personally, I’m passionate about spending time with my family. On my days off, I enjoy watching movies, and fishing.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    I love to fish in the Dubuque area.

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    The history of the hotel is amazing and I really enjoy the people that I work with.

    7. What is your personal motto?

    “We are all a work in process.”

    8. Describe your typical workday.

    I spend the day seating guest, cleaning tables, answering phone calls, taking reservations, and take up room service orders.

    9. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    I recently just got engaged.

    10. What is your favorite menu selection at Caroline’s?

    My favorite dish is the Julien Club because it is a great tasting sandwich.

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