800.798.7098   •   563.556.4200
200 Main Street   •   Dubuque, IA 52001

Category Archive: Meet The Team

  1. Meet The Team: Alexis Cabrera

    Name: Alexis CabreraAlexis_Cabrera_Meet_The_Team

    Title: Spa Manager at Potosa Spa

    Hometown: Miami, FL

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I have only been here a couple of months. I started on February 20th of this year.

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry?

    I have been in the spa industry since 2001. I became a licensed nail technician while I was still in high school and did that as my after school job. I fell in love with the industry and never left. I’ve been a spa manager since 2006 with Red Door Spas and Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa.

    My husband and I have wanted to move to Iowa to be closer to his family for years, but we knew we had to wait for the right opportunity.  Hotel Julien was the perfect fit. It felt like home the moment I walked through the door.

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    Guest Service. I absolutely love to make our guests happy! A spa visit is usually the best part of someone’s day and I feel so lucky to be a part of that.

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    My family. I spend every free moment I get with my family. My husband and I have an 11-month-old daughter and a big extended family. We are having so much fun going on adventures and exploring Dubuque.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    Now that the weather has gotten warmer, we love to go for walks around our neighborhood. We live in Downtown Dubuque and we love seeing the historic houses, old buildings, and the fun locally owned business in the area.

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    What I love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque is the amazing team of people that I get to work with every day.

    7. What is your personal motto?

    My favorite quote is “The key to success is to play the hand you are dealt like it is the hand you wanted”.

    8. Describe your typical workday.

    I like to spend most of my time at the front desk of the spa. I like to interact with our guests and be a part of the action!

    9. What is your favorite service at Potosa Spa and why?


    The new Gratitude Ritual and Massage is my favorite service. The service is based on the concept of gratitude. It reminds you to slow down and take a moment to be thankful.

    10. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    My favorite number is 464- it has been as long as I can remember. There is no reason for it at all…I just like the number.

  2. Meet The Team: Becky Stolk

    Name: Becky StolkBecky_Stolk_Meet_The_Team

    Title: Catering Manager

    Hometown: Preston, IA


    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I have been with Hotel Julien Dubuque for the past six years.

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry?

    I have worked in various positions within the hospitality industry since the age of 16. When I moved to the Dubuque area a few years ago, I knew I wanted to continue my career in the industry. Hotel Julien Dubuque had gone through a renovation a few years prior and I envisioned myself continuing my career there when a position opened up as a Catering Coordinator. Not long after, I was promoted to the Catering Manager.

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    I’m a people person by nature and I’m passionate about helping others, so it’s a natural fit for me professionally to be in this industry.

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    I love spending time with my family and friends in my free time.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    There are so many things to do in Dubuque, it’s tough to name just a few. Some things I enjoy the most are dining with friends, listening to live music and being on the river during the summer months.

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I love walking in every morning to a place that holds so much history and beauty.

    7. What is your personal motto?

    Skip the salad, send me the dessert.

    8. Describe your typical workday.

    My typical day varies from day to day. Somedays I am behind the computer all day detailing upcoming events and others I am spent in our banquet spaces giving tours or having planning sessions with group leaders.

    9. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    I love to travel! I hope to make it to Hawaii one day.

  3. Meet The Team: Robert Cousins

    Name:  Robert CousinsRobert_Cousins_Meet_The_Team
    Title: Lead Bartender, Riverboat Lounge
    Hometown: Dubuque, IA

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I have been at Hotel Julien Dubuque/Riverboat Lounge for the past five months.

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry?

    I recently moved back to the area after living on the East Coast for a number of years. I have always been involved in some aspect of “people business”; whether it’s been DJing, bartending, serving or management.

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    I enjoy making a personal connection. Whether a guest is local or visiting, I try to make Riverboat Lounge their home away from home or a “Cheers” if you will. A lot of the bar business has become about only selling drinks. I believe a name, handshake and “How’s your day” are just as important.

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    What is a free weekend? LOL! I enjoy spending time with my family and friends in my free time. I like to “reset” with short, two day getaways when I get the chance as well. I’m also a sports fan. This summer I plan to visit five to six different ballparks.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    I have only been back in Dubuque for less than a year, so I am still rediscovering the area.

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I’m not a big fan of things that are cookie cutter and Hotel Julien Dubuque is anything but that! This is a unique hotel with a ton of charm and history. Its uniqueness is what attracts guest from all over the world and all walks of life. Plus, I get to meet them!

    7. What is your personal motto?

    “Learn something new every day.”

    8. Describe your typical workday.

    I spend most of my day mixing up fresh cocktails while meeting entertaining people.

    9. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    I have never been out of the country, but Brazil is on my bucket list.

  4. Meet The Team: Troy Tucker

    Troy_Tucker_Meet_The_TeamName:  Troy Tucker
    Title: Sous Chef, Caroline’s Restaurant
    Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    Three years.

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry?

    I started as a busboy when I was a little kid and worked my way up.  Back then it was the long-haired, Slayer/Metallica guys in the kitchen, throwing pans and wielding sharp knives, while the gentle piano music floated in from the dining room.  I worked my way up to opening my own restaurant, Bella’s, in Mt. Carroll, IL which was a five-year venture.  I had kept in contact with Dwight Hopfauf who had been the GM at a property in Rockford, IL where we both had worked.  He became the GM at Hotel Julien which kept Dubuque on my radar.

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    I’m passionate about creating beautiful, tasty, balanced dishes made from the best products available.

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    My two little beans, Isabelle and Cash are my passion.  My favorite way to spend a weekend (Monday and Tuesday) involves any activity we do as a family.  Lately, it has been cooking together.  Most recently we prepared sushi, one of their favorite foods.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    There are always interesting things going on in Dubuque.  I love exploring them with my girlfriend.

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I love the team I work with and the rich history of the hotel itself.

    7. What is your personal motto?

    “Life is not a rehearsal.”

    8. Describe your typical workday.

    My days are full of creating and preparing, teaching and learning, dodging hot stuff and sharp stuff and generally just trying to make it fun for everyone.

    9. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    I like to work on clocks.  I have clocks from here to Mt. Carroll, IL.  I have old clocks and new clocks, electric clocks and wind-up clocks, big clocks and little clocks, alarm clocks and pendulum clocks…  You get the picture!

  5. Meet The Team: Angela Love

    Angela_Love_Meet_The_Team_Hotel_Julien_DubuqueName:  Angela Love
    Title: Executive Housekeeper Manager
    Hometown: Joliet, IL

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    Three years.

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry?

    I’ve been in the hospitality industry for the past 15 years. My career began when I was a licensed cosmetologist. Since I was self-employed I would work the front desk of hotels part-time to help on my taxes. This is when I found my passion for hospitality. The last hotel I work at was Cliffbreakers in Rockford, IL. I was there for 11 years. While there I worked at the front desk, first as a clerk then assistant manager. I also worked there as UPS pilot manager, housekeeping supervisor and eventually manager as well as other positions. That is also where I met the current GM of Hotel Julien Dubuque, Dwight Hopfauf. He reached out to me about the open Executive Housekeeper Manager position here and I couldn’t resist!

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    I am passionate about hospitality. I think it’s life-changing and more of what the world needs. Our guest feels welcomed when we greet them with a warm smile and kindness. I sincerely want to provide them with an excellent and unforgettable experience. I love the thank yous and the smiles that you get when providing a service that the guests are looking for.

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    I am passionate about spending time with my family as often as I can. My family is very musically inclined and we love to singing, have family talent shows, comedy and karaoke night. I also like to travel, explore new adventures, and writing poems.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    My spouse Andre and I enjoy going for walks, movies, bowling, and fine dining.

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I love the group of people I work with and it’s a beautiful hotel.

    7. What is your personal motto?

    I have two. “You may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated!” and “Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”, Proverbs 3:5-6.

    8. Describe your typical workday.

    My typical day begins with assigning the job board for the day. I then check and ensure all guest rooms, public areas, back of the house areas are clean and well-maintained. Finally, I inspect rooms, prepare staff schedules and work on reports, orders and return phone calls from lost and found items.

    9. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    I am so afraid of heights.


  6. Meet The Team: Courtney Mihalakis

    Name: Courtney Mihalakis
    Title: Esthetician/Bridal Coordinator/Wellness Coordinator
    Hometown: Dubuque, IA

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    Five years.

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry.

    I have always had a passion for doing make-up and I am a beauty product junkie. It was a natural fit for me to go into the spa industry.

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    I love making my clients feel relaxed in such a fast pace world. Self-care is very important to me.

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    Personally, I’m passionate about my family. Any free time I have is spent with my four kids and house full of pets.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    One of my favorite things to do in the Dubuque area is taking in the beautiful views on Heritage Trail.

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    What I love most about the hotel are my co-worker’s at the spa. They are like family to me.

    7. What is your personal motto?

    “You only live once.”

    8. Describe your typical workday.

    My typical workday includes meeting new clients, performing spa services and speaking with co-workers.

    9. Tell us about your favorite service at Potosa Spa. And why you like it.

    My favorite service at Potosa Spa is the Ultimate Wrap and Bath. This service includes a little bit of everything; a scrub, body wrap, facial, bath, and full body hydration. It doesn’t get any better than that!

    10. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    I have been in the customer service industry of 15 years.

  7. Meet the Team: Nicole Dempewolf

    Nicole Dempewolf, Wedding and Special Events Manager

    Name:  Nicole Dempewolf
    Title: Weddings and Special Event Manager
    Hometown: Dubuque, IA

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque? 

    Since February of 2018

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry?

    In 2012, I began my education in hospitality at Kirkwood Community College. Throughout my time in the Culinary and Pastry Program there, I began working in food and beverage at the Kirkwood Hotel. It was there, that I discovered my love for the front of the house and guest interaction. After graduating in 2015, I returned home to Dubuque and took a position at Vinny Vanucchis as the Restaurant Manager. Along with the many other responsibilities of restaurant management, I was responsible for the booking and execution of large events and parties such as holiday parties, tour groups, and rehearsal dinners. Executing these events became my favorite part of the job. In February of 2018, I took the position of Catering Coordinator at Hotel Julien Dubuque to further develop my knowledge of events and catering. Now, after almost a year in the Catering Coordinator position, I am taking all of the previous experience and knowledge I have gained into the Wedding and Special Events Manager position.

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    I am most passionate about our guests. One of the best things about my job is that every day and event is unique. Every couple that I sit down and meet with has a different story to tell and a different vision for their wedding. It is my job to bring that vision to life, and I am excited every time I am there to see the wedding day played out.

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    If we are not out and about socializing with friends, watching the Hawkeyes or Bears play, you will most likely find my fiance Lucas and I snuggled up on our couch with our Yellow Lab Lilly, taking turns watching each others favorite movies or reading our favorite books to each other.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    On the weekends, I love visiting the local breweries, wineries, and restaurants with friends. Dubuque has so much to offer and is constantly expanding; I am a firm believer in supporting local businesses!

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    What I most love about Hotel Julien Dubuque is how absolutely beautiful it is. The hotel offers a unique opportunity to take a step back in history and take advantage of the historic charm that is no longer visible in modern design. The hotel has a way of making every guest feel like they are part of something special.

    7. What is your personal motto?

    “Whatever you are, be a good one.”

    8. Describe your typical work day.

    I spend most of the morning and afternoon reaching out to our Hotel Julien Dubuque Brides and Grooms; answering questions, giving suggestions, and detailing and planning the wedding day.

    The later portion of my day is used for looking for and working on new ideas to constantly improve on making our weddings flawless. As most of our couples know, “I never like to say no.” There is always a way to make someone’s dream wedding happen.

    Most importantly, I like to keep my schedule open. I keep my calendar busy with tours, menu tastings, and planning sessions as well, so making myself available most days and times makes wedding planning that much easier for our couples.

    9. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    I have the privilege of being a Hotel Julien Dubuque bride. My fiance Lucas and I will be getting married at the hotel this December.


  8. Meet The Team: Sara Tenney


    Name:  Sara Tenney
    Title: Front Office Manager
    Hometown: Cedar Falls, IA

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?   

    Eight fabulous years!

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry.

    I worked at the Julien Inn in Sales several years back!  Our focus at that time was to bring additional tourism to Dubuque.  I attended many trade shows with the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce, Robert’s River Rides and the Dubuque Greyhound Park in a joint effort to bring tourists to our city! These were exciting and formative years for Dubuque tourism!  After spending several years at home raising my kids, I saw the hotel remodeled and opened as Hotel Julien Dubuque! I couldn’t help myself!  I wanted to return!

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    Working with wonderful guests, clients and staff! 

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    My husband and I have five children, one granddaughter and a sweet little dog too!  We enjoy any time we can spend with our children and granddaughter! We like taking day trips, dining out, cooking in, wineries, reading, browsing in book stores, and exploring new places!  An adventure away for a few days is always fun too!

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    I love the arts.  I attend music events, art shows and theater every chance I get!  Dubuque has amazing talent!

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    Working in such an elegant, historic building! 

    7. What is your personal motto?

    “The trouble is, you think you have time.” 

    8. Describe your typical work day.

    Part of why I love my job is because I don’t have a “typical work day”!  Much of my day is spent making sure we are meeting/exceeding our guest requests.  I also work through emails, billing, schedules, invoices, commissions, etc. 

    9. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    I am a bit of a dare devil! I like heights and challenge myself any chance I get! 

    10. Is there anything else that you would like to share?

    Come experience Hotel Julien Dubuque! Contact me with your lodging needs!  I would be happy to help make your experience one to remember!

  9. Meet The Team: Lisa Conner

    Name:  Lisa Conner
    Title: Assistant Manager of Caroline’s Restaurant
    Hometown: Dubuque, IA

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?   

    About two and a half years. I started in September of 2016.

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry.

    I have been in the restaurant business for most of my adult life, starting at Olive Garden in 2002, as a server.  While I was at Olive Garden, I served and later became a bartender and then a certified trainer for servers as well as bartenders and service professional.  I wanted more professionally and unfortunately, wasn’t able to achieve that with Olive Garden.  I saw a job posting for a Supervisor position with Caroline’s and immediately applied! Since then, I have been a server, lead server, supervisor and now the Assistant Manager.

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    I really enjoy the service industry, whether it’s talking to guests, helping servers and hosts to make sure they’re giving great service, or running the restaurant in the most efficient way possible.  I like knowing what’s going on at all times and I get very excited about checklists and cleaning parties, as the team will tell you!

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    I have a son named Mak who just turned one, and he is my favorite thing about life.  I don’t get too many weekends off in this industry, but when I do have time off, I am always spending it with him and my boyfriend.  When I have the time, I get into projects such as refinishing old furniture.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    I like to be outside, especially during the summer.  I enjoy outdoor concerts and festivals downtown. If I get the chance, I like to be on the river, canoeing and camping.

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    I love the history of the hotel and the elegance.  It’s always beautiful, especially at Christmas time!

    7. What is your personal motto?

    The road to success is always under construction!

    8. Describe your typical work day.

    I spend most of my day helping servers by running hot food out to their tables, answering questions and chatting with their guests.  I am always a helping hand for them.  I also do the scheduling and have some administrative duties in the office after the breakfast and lunch rushes.

    9. Please share a go-to fun-fact about yourself.

    Organizing things either at home or at work really gets my blood pumping, I don’t know why, but it makes me really happy!

  10. Meet The Team : Dwight Hopfauf


    Name: Dwight Hopfauf
    Title: General Manager

    1. How long have you been with Hotel Julien Dubuque?   

    It will be seven terrific years in September of 2019.

    2. What path brought you to Hotel Julien Dubuque? Please share a little bit about your professional background and what led you to this industry.

    My first love really is medicine, so one needs to associate medicine to hospitals, and then hospitals to hotels, then hotels to hospitality, and there you are, both are about taking care of people, thus the career path.

    3. What are you most passionate about professionally?

    Creating the feeling for the guests that they are in the right place, at the right time, all the time. Shock and awe experiences!

    4. What are you passionate about personally? What is your favorite way to spend a free weekend?

    With my family, my bride Lynn, and my two teenagers, Mackenzie and Jacob, though free weekends are hard to come by in this industry.

    5. What are some of your favorite things to do in the Dubuque area?

    Everyone needs to ride the Fenelon Place Elevator, sit in the bleachers at the Field of Dreams, enjoy a great dinner at Caroline’s Restaurant, and ordering a burger and a beer at Paul’s Tavern.

    6. What do you love most about Hotel Julien Dubuque?

    It is an absolutely beautiful old grand dame of hotel of the past, rich in history, whispered secrets behind every door, and appointed amenities that provide a really warm sense of arrival at every turn, though “my most loved about Hotel Julien Dubuque” is the staff that work here tirelessly hard each and every day to fulfill our #1 Vision of “Create the feeling for the guests that they are in the right place, at the right time, all the time!”

    7. As a leader, what strategies do you implement to keep your team motivated and energized?

    We need to be getting better faster than our competition or we are only getting further behind. Create the environment for each other so in the morning, afternoon, or evening, we wake up and shout “I get to go to work today! I get to go to work today at Hotel Julien Dubuque!”

    7. What is your personal motto?

    I don’t have just one, so I will share a few that I work at: “Seek first to understand, then to be understood”, “Address everything and leave nothing to chance.”, “Schedule everything, and you will have much more time to be spontaneous.” and to always express “Thanks for coming to work today!”

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